
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New Yahoo Group

Yay! Come and join our new China Mommas Yahoo Group! China Mommas in all stages of China adoption are welcome to join!

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We have been logged in for 1 year, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day today. This has to be a lucky day! Yesterday was 400 days being logged in. Crazy.

Today was a really horrible day! Brian was in Kansas City last night and I never sleep well when he is gone. Started off really bad this morning arguing with bratty dogs before going to work. (Guess they thought it was time to play this morning for some reason! After I was already dressed in my black pants!!!) Missed a 730 meeting because of that. Then people grumbling at work. Part of the scoring guide is missing from one of our IQ test kits. We didn't figure that out until AFTER the psych examiner had already given the whole test and went to score it. Can't score the test without it.... Forgot to get someone to ride the school bus for the bus monitor who was going to be absent - last minute - I had to go and ride the bus! (That's what I get for forgetting!). Just tons of little things kept happening. I was typing something on the internet and I hit the BACK button... who knows why... and lost everything I had typed! Monday it was 80 degrees and today it was 48! Ugh. The only good that came out of this day was that I was supposed to supervise a high school baseball game tonight (and freeze my arse off) and it was cancelled!

Happy Birthday to Ron and Valeri's little Jensen! He turns two today!!!


Valeri said...

Work was driving me nuts today, too. Too much nonsense going on. I can relate all too well.

We're supposed to get freakin' snow with accumulation over the Easter holiday. UGH!!! What happened to my lovely Spring???? 35 degrees right now...yuck!

Thanks for the birthday greeting. I can't wait to have Jensen next year for his actually birthday so I can spoil him rotten. Hee hee!

4D said...

Hope tomorrow is better! SO looking forward to a long weekend.

Keep smilin!

bbmomof2boys said...

Supervising an highschool baseball game? Shoot girl - both boys play ball so I get to freeze mine off all the time! In fact I will tonight. Our weather has gone from 85 down to the a high of 60 today. Of course we have a 3 day weekend and the weather is not going to cooperate!! Oh well - at least I got a day off!! Today will be a better day!
