
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day 2007

This memorial day take the time to reflect on the many servicemen and women who have lost their lives fighting for the country they love. It is because of people like them that we are free to live our lives as we do today. They gave the ultimate sacrifice for this country so that others may live freely in this world. Please pray for their families that they may go on with their lives and remember their loved ones who died with honor. Their legacy lives on through us. Let us be worthy of what they have given us.

Whether or not you support war or our president, support our troops! They need us to be behind them in the good times and the bad.

Peace be with you and your family today and always.

I made this video (maya take a bit for it to be viewable) but as I was searching YouTube I found so many that brought tears to my eyes. Check out the ones I favorited by clicking here.


Polar Bear said...

Wonderful tribute. Thanks for putting the video together. I am sitting here in tears.

Last fall we lost a former student over in Iraq. He graduated several years ago and then joined the army. He left behind two little girls. Being that we are such a small town it really touched many people. I just wish they would all come home.

Have a good Memorial Day

redmaryjanes said...

I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day. Your post is tearful and wonderful.

4D said...

A wonderful reminder.

Keep smilin!

C's Mom said...

Thank you for the tribute.

Sara said...

WOW! What wonderful videos...brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing these with all of us...really makes one stop and think.

Unknown said...

Wow,how powerful those pictures and those songs are. Great job!

Lori said...

Well done. That was very moving, 10 minutes well spent! Thanks for putting that together. Great blog, I look forward to checking back in with in!

glassmermaid said...

WELL DONE!!!!!! It is such shame the lives that are lost for something we can probably never be able to achive. both of my parents have been the military 30 years I'm very lucky to have them both still. I always worried about that as a child. My heart hurts for all those families and the families to still come.