Well, someone sent me a message today wishing me happy 16. Ha! I didn't even know it was today. I guess after 16 you just lose count. Why? Because I know that the people who got their referrals this month had waited about 19 months for their referrals. Do I expect ours to come in 3 months? Hell freaking NO! WTF? This wait makes no sense to me. So imagine my attempt at trying to explain it to my coworkers today at lunch during a conference. "Well when we started this process the wait was about 6-8 months. ('oh..')The people that got their referrals last month waited about 19 months (they get excited for us) but we probably won't get our referral until next spring at about 24-26 months. ('what?') Yeah. I don't know either. I don't get it. All I know is that each month that goes by we add another month to the wait." - Yeah. they don't get that either. Neither do I.
16......sweeeeet Jesus!
Happy 16 month LIDiversary!
That post made me cringe and laugh all at the same time!! lol
Totally impossible to figure out I think!! lol
Happy 16 months anyhow!!! lol
Happy Sweet 16!!! :)
Loved your comments! I couldn't have said it better myself!! It is our 16th as well and like you said its just another number at this point! Unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that our wait will be more like early Spring as well!!
Happy 16 months behind you!
Happy 16 months less to wait :)
Happy 16!
Keep smilin!
Happy 16 to ya!
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