
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fun Stuff

Today I was doing speech therapy with a student and I started noticing all these fun cards. I have gone through them too many times to count but today it hit me how many pictures of this little Asian boy were in these cards (might be more than one boy I can't tell). He is just so cute! And look - there are two with ladybugs and I am pretty sure that is Kris' baby resting! Click the pics to see them bigger.


Unknown said...

how cool is that!!!

redmaryjanes said...

That is a cute little boy! I think it's great that he's on your cards.
Now if I can just find some asian influenced toys without having to mail order everything. Why is there not a single Mulan doll anywhere?????

4D said...

Funny how we can suddenly see things thru a new light.

Keep smilin!

Polar Bear said...

Why didn't we see these things before? I too am noticing Asian children much more than I used to in everyday things.