
Friday, July 20, 2007

Man claps as loud as helicopter din
A Chinese man whose clapping hands are nearly as loud as the roar of a helicopter is hoping to get into the record books.
Zhang Quan, 70, of Chongqing city, had his clapping monitored by local environmental protection officials, reports Chongqing Business News. His claps measured 107 decibels - only slightly lower than helicopter blades which measure 110 decibels.
"When I am clapping, even my own ears feels painful, no mentioning of others. That's why I usually don't clap," says Zhang. Workers from the environmental protection bureau confirmed that technically Zhang could face arrest for noise pollution if he clapped too often.

In other news, lights are inexplicably turning on and off all around Chongqing city.


redmaryjanes said...

Interesting, I hope he makes the record books.

Valeri said...

What a bizarre story!!!!!!!!!

Shannon said...

That last line about lights turning on/off was funny!