Today I was leaving the bank and I still had my window rolled down while pulling out. Walking along the street was a uneducated, unintelligent man of about 30 walking along the street. He strikingly resembled Cuba Gooding Jr. in Radio (if you haven't seen this movie - you MUST! I truly love it! One of my favorite movies of all time!) Anyway, resembled him in both looks and personality. He stopped dead in his tracks (not sure where he was going - towards McDonalds), turned towards my car waved like he had seen a superstar and yelled "Hey pretty lady!!!!" Now, most days I would shake my head, roll my eyes and drive off. But today, in my depressed state, I smiled... This simple person...today...made me smile. Sometimes it is the little things that amuse me. Oh to have the life of a simple person where I had no cares, no worries in this big, confusing world. I would love, once, to run free barefoot in a field of flowers, my hair blowing in the wind, with no worries of stepping on a bee. That'll never happen. For I live in this big, confusing world getting all caught up in the complexities of life, sweating the small stuff, rarely taking time to smell the roses. Walking through life like a zombie on this long and never-ending road to China. Sometimes I wish I could just get in that grocery cart, roll down the hill with my hands waving in the air enjoying the breeze on my face, with no worries of wrecking at the bottom of the hill.
Wouldn't that be nice?
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Yeah. It would be nice. I've been feeling kin dof the same way lately. You konw that phrase "Fake it till you make it?" Well it isn't working for me.
Please excuse all of the typos. I really can spell.
I have no words of wisdom....the wait just sucks! Just know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hang in there!! Everyday is a step closer albeit a small one, but it is closer. It's okay to feel sad - we all do. Some days it's much harder than others. Keep the faith!
Scoot over and I will join you in that cart ride. It is a hard time right now. Feeling it too.
Hugs to you!
Keep smilin!
Honestly, I am labeling this the post-referral blues. I see it over and over in many of us after we see a really crappy referral month (7 days for 3 months now). It is awful. But you know that you could really only handle a 'simple' day, you need the craziness of the real world just like I do.
Hang in there. My month has really sucked. I LOVE those BIRTHDAY HEADERS! I'm not losing any weight either. My doctor said I'm 3 pounds heavier than last year. Oh well, I'll deal with that later :)
I love the movie Radio.
I am glad to see that I am not the only person who is depressed about the wait. I feel so alone in this journey. My husband and I are really struggling to keep our chins up. It helps that I am very busy at work. It sounds like your LID is the same as ours. Will we ever go to China?
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