We're home! Here is a picture of Mia before taking off while waiting in Korea and just after landing in Chicago, where she became an American citizen. I have to say that going through immigration and customs was much easier than I thought it was going to be. We just asked "Where do we go for international adoptions?" And they whisked us to the front of a line and gave us the special treatment from there on, including not even going through the baggage xray machine line! It was very nice! :)
Mia did very well on all the flights, including the 13 hour one from Korea to Chicago. She was a little fussy but nothing to bad! We finally pulled into home and got situated around 2 am. She is making somewhat of a rough transition to a new surrounding and time zone! She has been a really good baby but getting her to sleep is rough on both of us! She fights it every step of the way. She will fall asleep in your arms and stay asleep for a long time but the second you lay her in her crib or on a bed of any kind, she starts crying. Last night we went to bed at about 2:30 and she woke up every 45 minutes until about 5:15 and I gave her some Motrin because she is teething and she was crying like she didn't feel good. She has one little tooth on the top that just popped out within the last two days. Her first tooth! So after getting that Motrin she then slept until about 8:00 this morning. She has been up almost all day since then except for about a 2 hour nap.
Today we went to the doctor. We scheduled an appt before we left for tomorrow but the doctor had to change so we saw a different doctor today. The doctor's dad actually lives in China! She was very nice. We took an oath at the US consulate that we would have her vaccinated within 30 days of having her and because we don't know the validity of her shot record they gave us, she got another dose today. She was not very happy with those two mean ladies!!!!! (I would not have their job for nothing... making babies cry!) She weighed 14.9 lbs. Which is funny because her growth report from January said she weighed 16.5 lbs then. Guess that wasn't right! And she is 26.5 inches long. She is wearing 3-6 month clothes right now, except for those sleepers with the feet in them, she is wearing 6-9 month in those but she is almost too long for them. They are baggy on her but her little toes scrunch a little bit at the bottom!
She is developing more and more each day. When we first got her she couldn't sit up on her own but now she can sit alone for a while and then falls over after a while or when she gets too excited! She isn't pushing up to crawl yet but she is getting closer to pushing up to hands and knees. She isn't yet holding her own bottle but will put her hands on it when feeding. She hasn't learned how to put things in her mouth, other than her little fingers or her shirt or my shirt but we are working on it. I have been encouraging her to pick up Gerber puffs and then I move her hand to her mouth. She's getting the hang of it. I have been doing the same with her little teething toys. One day I will regret I taught her to put things in her mouth I am sure!!!!!
We are so very in love with this little girl and still can't believe she is all ours! She is such a sweet little thing and we couldn't be happier!!!!
This post is dedicated to Julia who called to say everyone was freaked out that I hadn't posted since Monday!!!!! Glad everyone is worried about us! We are fine! Just extremely busy being Mom and Dad!!!
Life is good!
CONGRATULATIONS! It's been so fun reading your posts while in China. Glad to hear the trip back home went well. I can't wait to meet your daughter whenever our local group meets again.
All the best,
I'm glad to hear that you're home. I can't wait to meet Miss Mia and see pictures of your trip!
Welcome home Lane family!!
Welcome home! Can you believe - you are finally home as a family of three? YAY! I hope the jet lag passes soon.
Tracy :)
PS - I loved following your China journey!
So glad to see that you all made it home safely! Sorry I haven't commented much but things have been super busy here with increased PT visits and all kinds of other fun things. Mia is just gorgeous! Congrats.
Welcome home! Getting thru customs was definately the easiest part for us. They rolled out the red carpet and the Officer working there couldn't have been any nicer.
The sleeping will come.
What a beautiful little peanut..I just love that little smile....Congratulations!!
Welcome to the USA as a family of 3! How exciting, love the pics and stories about your trip. Enjoy these precious moments, she is absolutely gorgeous!!
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