Can everyone please get off the panda cams so I can see Tai Shan and his mommy?
Argh. Every time I log on to see them it is either at maximum capacity or it is dark and I can't see them or they are sleeping (which is really boring to watch!)
I can't even see the elephants, or the tigers, or the gorillas or the stinking naked mole rats! Nothing! Not the ferrets, not the orangutans, not the gharial (which really looks like an alligator to me!), not even the boring flamingos! nothing.
Get off the cams people! Share the love!
Ok I did some research! I didn't realize there are other zoos with panda cams!!!
This one is from the San Diego Zoo. Guess what he is doing.... SLEEPING! I did see him move though!! I love that you can see them breathing! You can see their stomach moving while they sleep!!! They have 4 pandas there. This one is either Gao Gao or his son Mei Sheng. (indicated by the C3 number on the camera - there are different numbers for different areas)
The Atlanta Zoo also has a panda cam. But it was offline when I checked.
The Memphis Zoo also has one. But I couldn't get it to work.
Hey girl, clear your cache or something. I just clicked on your link and got both cams right panda munching and another lounging with feet in the air ;0)
Maybe that will help...wish I could tell you exactly what the issue is but I'm not nearly that good.
Best o'luck!
WOW! That is so cool!! Man, that panda loves his bamboo!!!
I've seen Tai Shan!!! Our friends live close to the D.C. Zoo so we can go there easily any time we're down visting them. We saw him a few months ago. He was so darn cute!! I was in Panda heaven.
OK Now I am really pissed that you two could see it and I still can't 2 hours later! I have been watching the San Diego cam. I cleared my cache and it still doesn't work. I don't know what the problem is. Sometimes I get this message and sometimes I don't. UGH
Well I would call you at home but it's almost 10pm at night to tell you I see him, I'm watching Tai Shan munch on some he's chowing down.
I saw the pandas at the San Diego Zoo, the pandas at the Washington, DC zoo last year and I even saw the panda at the DC zoo way back in 1998 and I didn't even need web cam to do so...Who knows, I may see one at the Guangzhou zoo this spring:)
You need to leave Missouri more, ha ha!!
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