
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

China "Wait" Loss Buddies --don't read this!

I went to the store the other day and decided to pick up some ice cream cones to limit my portion size when I get an ice cream craving. Well.... Imagine my surprise when I pulled them out of the box and found this... They are teeny tiny! I guess some higher power was trying to tell me something.

So.... ticked off about the teeny tiny cones. I decided to be creative! (It was a bad night... I needed ice cream!)


Anonymous said...

You are bad!!! :-) Looks really, really yummy... I could go for one of those right now!

4D said...

Inventive! Delish.

Keep smilin!

Dawn and Dale said...

Tooo funny!!!

Those doooo look really really yummy on a nasty refferral eve!!! lol

Mom 2 six said...

Wouldn't stop me- I would eat 10...

Polar Bear said...

You are so funny! Those are really cute ice cream cones! I didn't know they made them that small.

SARA said...

I told you guys NOT to read this post!!!! Geesh! :)

bbmomof2boys said...



Robin said...

Busted! Those little cones are so cute. I too did not know they made them that small. Perfect for "little" fingers someday. I'll have to go on a search for them now so I'll know where to get them later.

Unknown said...

Thats so cool...I need to get on the China Wait loss train...I need motivation

Teri said...

When all else fails.....


Looks good to me!

Ron said...

Good thing you're not hungry!