I have noticed you all have not been leaving comments very much lately.... So I am just wondering...
Is anybody out there???
oh how I love comments.

so please tell me what you are thinking! Don't be quiet! Speak up! I love to read comments on my blog. C'mon people, I don't wanna be...

I'm still alive out there.
Hi, I just stumbled on your site by way of Red Mary Janes; it is quite beautiful here, I shall be back.
I am out here.. I try to leave comments on each new post you make.. Please stop by my wonderful new blog (designed by YOU) and leave me a comment..
Take care
I'm still hanging out. doing more reading that commenting. My head is spinning with all of this stuff I need to get done so we can travel in a month.. YIKIES.. did I just say that.. a month!
I'm still here too...but you are right...I've been commenting MUCH less these days!! I've noticed less on my blog too!!
Wonder if we've all hit a "slow patch" or something!!
This wait is LONG!!! lol
I don't wanna comment and you can't make me!
Damn, too late. :)
Sorry "LIFE" has kidnapped me and won't let me comment or email...heck the only reason I can leave this message is because of some tricks I learned from MacGyver. Now where did I put that paperclip and sock?
I'm here too. Of cousre I AM jobless, just finished moving and am in the throes of depression. But still here. Sorry for the lack of comments.
Hey, I'm here!!! Just gearing up for another school year and making purses with my own two hands!! I really enjoy your blog. Come visit me sometime!!!
Kim Y
LID 3/29/07
Ladybug Kreations
I'm still here, there's just not much time to post with a 2 year old at home.
I notice you have a countdown to the Beijing Olympics. I thought you didn't want to go to them!
Your fans are still here. We have been busy getting ready for school, celebrating a few birthdays and life in general.
Another reader saying hello
I'm here girl, I'll try to be a better commenter. I love the lonely guy on the post.
Still here!
Just been swamped with summer and now school starting.
I've let some of my habits fall by the wayside!
It sure is nice to know someone is out there isn’t it?
I have been dropping by and reading whenever I can. I was computerless for a while but it is fixed now … I really need to post on my own blog too … it has been weeks!!
Time to get back into the swing of things.
Sorry for the lack of comments.
Smiles! :o)
Been very busy this month....getting my classroom ready, Jensen's cleft appointments....running ragged after a two year old....yikes! I promise to get myself back into the blogging world!!!
Cute! :)
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