Mia has not been sleeping through the night. She will lay down perfectly fine at first and then she wakes up 3-4 hours later (if that) and will not lay back down. If she does go back to sleep in my arms, she will scream when laid back down in her crib. I had taken her to bed with us at this point a couple nights but this doesn't always work either. The night before last she woke up at 11pm and was all giggles and laughs and would not go back to sleep. Apparently she thought she was taking a nap or something and when she woke up it was play time!
Here is a video of her at about 2:30am...
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
She thought it was so funny! Mommy did NOT! I tried everything to get her to go back to sleep. I tried taking her to our bed, she just thrashed around, grunting and fussing. Tried laying down on the floor in her room with her, nope! FInally I just gave up (since I was wide awake anyway, as was she!) So we ate some Cheez-its (mommy) and some
Finally I was so dag-gone tired that I gave in and took her to her room, laid her down on a blanket on her floor (no toys) and layed next to her with the lights off and some soft lullabye music playing and ignored her. After some time had passed, it finally happened.... her little eyes closed ever so softly and she was out. I left her on the floor, covered her up good and fell asleep next to her.
LOL - I talked to my brother today (he lives in Hong Kong, so it was 2am his time when I talked to him), and he was up with his 21-month old daughter (not adopted) and she just wanted to dance and play and color!! I said "I think Tabatha is NOT tired!" ;)
I hope Mia's jet lag gets better soon. She sure is darn cute even at 2:30am!
Break down and put a DVD player in her room with kid videos. She is lonely. My daughter would never sleep without a nightlight and her air filter humming.
poor mama. It will get better. Hang in there.
I hear ya!! Let me give you two links. The first is what worked for me and the second is a link where I begged for help. Check out the great tips that IA parents left in the comment section! Sending you BIG HUGS!!! Stephe & Giorgia
Good Luck! My best advice is FILL em up with Food, cd playing lullabies and a completely dark room with no mommy in it. I had planned to co-sleep but it didn't work. Every kid is different so be open to try lots of stuff in the name of SLEEP!!!
Oh Mia, you naughty little girl :)
At least your Cheese-Its are less expensive than the $4.00 a box Girl Scout cookies that are saving my sanity.
I'd planned on the co-sleeping too, but uh, it's not working out. Our issue is daytime naps, as Lola will sleep through the night, but naptime is a huge fight. Must go check out Stephe's links!
I couldn't view the video but it sounds cute. My son woke up at night for months after coming home from China about 2 hours after he went to bed. But only on days he went to bed overly exhausted. I know it sounds wierd, but being overly tired actually disrupted his ability to sleep at night. I just thought I would mention that...
Once he developed a perminate nap schedule, he actually slept well at night too...
Jensen didn't sleep by himself for the first year we had him. It was so rough on us. I was a walking zombie literally.I know exactly how you feel!!
Finally last year he slept in his own bed in his own room. It was glorious! Once in a while he still wakes up in the middle of the night and crawls into bed with us, but we don't mind it. Hey, whatever helps him sleep!
Sounds exactly what we went through. There will be better nights of sleep ahead, it just takes time.
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