
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Visit my store and start buying Christmas presents today!

Just wanted to remind everyone of my Cafe Press Store! You can buy some pretty cool
Christmas gifts there for family members or secret pals! I don't make much off these items but what I do make I am putting in our savings to help fund our trip to China.

Our Turkey is smoking away! It smells really good. For the last two years we have tried a trick that one of Brian's co-workers shared with him, it's a Greek thing I think. Anyway, you lay a rack of ribs over the top of your turkey while cooking it. Yummy! The in-laws are on their way here. Should be here in a few hours. They have been visiting their new grandson, Brian's brother and his wife just had a baby a couple weeks ago. Anyway, the house is clean - which it needed because I have been in a big ole' funk lately and haven't felt like cleaning the house AT ALL! So I was off yesterday and scrubbed the house! Really needed it too! We actually have our windows open today! It is supposed to get up to like 66 today! Niiiiiiccceeee!

On a different note, my dad called yesterday and said my grandma had a stroke. She is now paralized on her left side and is in pretty low spirits. I feel really bad for her. She is about 93 years old but her mind is perfectly fine! Her body is just getting old! She is so upset right now. Please pray that she is feeling well soon. I hate to see her get so sad.

This Thanksgiving we have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful that we are financially able to adopt Mia from China. Infertility has hurt my heart so badly. I don't know what I would do if we weren't able to adopt. It is so sad that it costs so much to adopt a child. I am thankful that we have a family that is so supportive of our efforts to become parents. We love them dearly. I am thankful that I have met so many wonderful people through the wonders of the internet. People who are going through or have already gone through exactly what we are going through. It amazes me what a strong support group I have found in these people. Mia will be very blessed to have so many sisters and brothers from China in the US that she can one day meet through the friendships I have found online.

Thank you to each and every one of you who have touched my life and given me hope and inspiration when I thought I had none left.
I love you all.


4D said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I hope your grandmother feels better soon and recoups from the stroke.

Keep smilin!

OziMum said...

Ooohh, your poor Grandma! Hope she recovers quickly, must be so frustrating when the mind is strong.

Hope you had a Great Thanksgiving, and your turkey was cooked just right!!! I'm certainly thankful for the amazing people I've met online. Its amazing how their simply words can be so uplifting.

Take Care!