
Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm a Thinker!

Thanks Debbie for nominating me for the Thinking Blogger Award!! I try not to think too much. Now I get to pass this on to 5 other people! My focus was on people who have not gotten it yet. So here goes.
I have nominated these five people because of the same reasons.. They all make me smile, make me think, make me laugh out loud, share great information and have supported me in this adoption.

1) Valeri at Journey for Jensen (who is leaving very very soon!!!!)
2) Robin at Buckeyes and Eggrolls
3) Kim at Waiting for Emma
4) Susy Q at Big Sis Diaries
5) Gem at Adopting Our Thai Baby

No go, you five, and spread the love! Nominate your favorite 5!!!


Deb said...

You deserve it ;O)

redmaryjanes said...

Congratulations! I'll have to check out the blogs that you nominated!

Valeri said...

Awwww....thanks for the nomination. I'll do my best Sally Field impersonation "You like me, you really like me!"

Anonymous said...

hi you, thanks for appreciating my whinging :), I will have to have a think of my 5 nominations to pass on. I went on a parenting course the other day, there were some blogging virgins there so i gave them the link to your international blog sites page as thought it is a great resource, especially for the parents in waiting for china. gem x

Emmie said...

You totally deserve the award...Congrats!
I will have to check out some of the other blog syou reconized...they sound great! :)

Susy Q said...

Thanks for featuring me in your blog awards- it's certainly an honor!!